Jivan Asha…A ray of hope.

On October 5, 2012 as a part of Joy Of Giving week, we group of about 12 Suvidhaa employees visited Jivan Asha, an old age home in Mumbai. It was perhaps first time for many of us were visiting an old age home. The moment we entered inside the home we all got wrapped in the tranquillity surrounding the home. Everybody was inside. Soon, we met a lady – care taker of the home, she led us to a big hall where we were made to sit. Next to our room, we saw some 8-10 people all old aged wanting to meet us.

After few minute some 15 -20 women came there. The care taker lady introduced us to them. Their eyes were fixed on us – may be they were expecting something that they didn’t have from their loved ones. We had planned to entertain them by playing games, songs and dancing as well. We were carrying sweets with us. We started with playing games followed by singing & dancing. Soon, little talks took the shape of one way flow of grieves or put it in other words they begin to share their sufferings with us. Some even went on sharing their experiences of youth time.

Continuing our plan, some guys presented a nice dance which was applauded by all. Soon, they started calling us and made us to relish the food items along with them. They asked questions like where do you come from? Which company do you belong to? Are you married? Suggestions started pouring in like “Never leave your parents”, “Take care of them”. To make it both ways we also started asking them some questions like which place do you belong to? What is your age? How come you are here? Are you having any near and dear ones and do they come to meet you? Their replies made us to melt down.

It was all emotional but fun at the same time as our motive was to share some quality time with them which we did. We had some photographs and finally the time came to say Good Bye to them. And finally we left the home with a sordid image of society in our mind. So, who is this society it’s me and we all. Let’s be a change to see the change. Remember, we all inextricably linked to our society. As are we so is our society and so are you.

Old Age is reall painful, that too when left to spend alone…

Now, only thing what we can do is visit them frequently and spend time with them… I Pray God for their speedy recovery and bless their remaining days with peace and good health.

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